Monday, 29 August 2022

How to change the total no of pages to print in Excel 2013

Sometimes you may want to do a quotation in Excel and make the 1st page as cover page. Than you print the page no and total page no starting from page 2. But you will need to start the page no as 1 in  the 2nd page.

For example, you do this by inserting the page no & total pages in the header/footer starting from page 2  to page 4 with the following code.

"Page &[Page] of &[Pages]" where [Page] is the page no & [Pages] is the total page no. 

Hence the print preview on the 2nd page.

However you will need 2nd page to print as page 1 and the total pages is 3 instead of 4. 1st page (cover page is not counted).

To overcome this set focus on 2nd page, open the page setup in the PAGE LAYOUT.

Change the First page number from Auto to 1. Click ok.

Next open the header/footer, to reduce a total page type -1 after the &[Pages].

However make sure to add a blank line after that. Otherwise the result is weird.

Hence the new preview on 2nd page.

Windows 10 – Right-Click Context Menu option is missing and Freeze/Hang

Recently, my Windows 10 has started freezing whenever open a file explorer and right-click on a PDF or image file. The context menu appears,...