Sunday, 24 November 2019

Html help workshop does not show images after compiled

I use Word to create the HTML files. Any images dragged and inserted into the help pages will be stored in a sub folder of the same name with the help file.

The reference to the images in the HTML source include the correct sub-folder name and file name (nothing seems to be wrong there).

If the image source is PNG format, another same image name with GIF format will be created.

Now i compile the project into a .chm file and i cannot see any images. Also, the HTML Help Workshop compiler statistics show the correct number of images processed.

Word could have adds some HTML help-incompatible markup to the HTML files that save as Web Page facility. A simple fix to this is to save the file as type Web Page, Filtered (*.htm,*.html).

Thursday, 14 November 2019

HTML Help Workshop - Add more tabs & buttons

The HTML Help Workshop will compile chm help file by default only with Contents and Index tab and Hide, Back, Print and options buttons.

To add Search tab, click the side bat button 'Change project options' , click Compiler on top bar and then enable 'Compile full-text search information'.

To add Favourites tab, click the side bar button 'Add/Modify window defination'. In general tab, enter a Window type description and click 'Add'. Take note once the Window type has been added, it cannot be removed. Make sure to use a proper name.


Then click Navigation tab and enable Favourites tab.

To add the buttons, click the Buttons tab and enable Forward, Refresh, and Locate button.

File association in Windows 10

Windows can only open one program for a particular file type, file extension, automatically. 

So if you like to work with your PNG files in Photoshop Elements, for example, and not Paint, changing the default file association for PNG files is required.

Usually if you double click on a file in the folder and the application will be started if it is not open yet or will be opend by that application.

However, sometimes the double click doesn't work even though the file can be opened by the application itself.

Today while I was checking for a file type belongs to another application in the registry using Regedit.exe, I accidently found the problem why that file type, .prg, cannot be opened by the associated application when double click.

In was a glitch in the registry that the file type 'prg_auto_file' was associated to 3 unreadable registry keys. Remove those 3 unreadable and restart Windows resolve the issue.

16/May/2020 Update

Same thing has happened today again. The prg file associated with Med cannot be opened by double click or drag to Med file area.

Run RegEdit to check .prg_auto_file and those unreadable registry keys are not there. 

Delete these 2 keys in the classes root

1. Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.prg
2. Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.prg_auto_file

Restart the computer. The data value of ProgId in the UserChoice

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.prg\UserChoice will change automatically from

'.prg_auto_file' -> 'Applications\\medcx.exe' and this will solve the problem.

How to boot VMware Workstation Virtual Machine from USB Drive

Software : Windows 10 Pro & VMware Workstaion 15

Hardware : Intel i5-6400 2.70Ghz, 16GB, ASUS B150 PRO GAMING D3

VMware does not support boot from USB drive. The solution is to add an additional hard disk drive and point the USB drive as a phisical disc to the newly added drive. Then change the BIOS boot options to bootfrom the newly added hard drivce.

First step is to check the USB Drive #. Plug in the Win 10 bootable USB drive. In this computer it is Drive K.

Then open command prompt by run as administrator. Type 'diskpart' and then 'list disk'. 

Here the USB drive is 'Drive 2' 28 GB. Take note on that.

Next add the USB to VMware. Open VMware, cick on the 'Edit virtual machine settings' for the hosted OS. Click 'Add' on hardware. Make sure default Hard Disk is selected and click 'Next'.

In the next Disk Type click Next to stay as SCSI. Enable Use a physical disk and click Next. Then next choose PhysicalDrive2 (USB Drive #) and Use entire disk for Usage. In the last window click Finish to complete the adding of USB Drive.

Finally, Click VM on the hosted OS and choose Power On to Firmware in the Power menu to boot into computer BIOS.

When the firmware window appear, use arrow key to choose EFI VMware Virtual SCSI Hard Drive (1.0) to boot from

The final screen booting into Windows setup from USB Drive.

VMware Workstation unable to start

Software : VMware Workstation 15, Windows 10 Pro and host OS Windows 10 Pro, Windows 7 Ultimate and Windows XP SP3.

Hardware : Intel i5-6400 2.70Ghz, 16GB, ASUS B150 PRO GAMING D3
When the host Win 7 or Win XP is power on, an error message pop up saying

'This host supports Intel VT-x, but Intel VT-x is disabled'

A further google search in show that modern CPUs include hardware virtualization features that help accelerate virtual machines created in VirtualBox, VMware, Hyber-V and other apps. But this features aren't always enable by default especially on Intel CPUs.

For this case the VMware hardware acceleration features Intel VT-x built into the Intel CPUs needs to be enable in the ASUS BIOS.

Finally turning VT-x on in the BIOS manage to start the hosted OS.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

HTML Help Workshop Error

HTML Help Workshop and Windows 10

1.  Compiled error HHC6003

When run the HTML Help compiler gave an error code HHC6003.

From Google search the error code was referencing to file itcc.dll was not registered. To register the file,  open the command prompt in administrator mode. Type the command below in the Dos prompt.

regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\itcc.dll

2.  Error saving project file .hhp

When trying to save a project, the following error message:

Cannot write to the file ""myfilename.hhp"".

This has something to do with the quotes. It is also the same problem when trying to compile the project with the 'Save all files before compiling' button enabled. The HTML Help put quotes around the file name as a result it became double quotation marks.

This is a registry glitch that cause the project path to be displayed in quotation marks in the compilation dialog box. To fix the problem in the registry, use regedit and find those hhp shell open command and delete the quotation marks in the project path.

Before "C:\Program Files\HTML Help Workshop\hhw.exe" "%1"

change to

After "C:\Program Files\HTML Help Workshop\hhw.exe" %1

Close and restart HTML Help Workshop again. This should do the trick.

Sunday, 3 November 2019

Wifi disconnects when charger cord is plugged in

Recently my son has noticed that his laptop is running slow/lag. Than he reset his Asus laptop A550J i5 12GB Windows 10 (upgraded from Windows 8) using Settings->Recovery->Reset this PC->Get started & choose the option 'Remove everything'.

The Windows 10 was then reset to a fresh start/Clean install and the speed is back to normal. Then he install the online game and was able to access to internet connecting to my home modem router and continue to play the game.

However, after a while, he notice that the wifi will be disconnected when he stop the game for a rest. He has to reconnect wifi again in order to continue to play the game. This has caused some inconvenience. So he ask for my help.

At first i check the wifi signal strength by moving the laptop to different location around the router to verify whether its a signal weak effect. But the wifi did not disconnect. Than i upgrade the router wifi protected access from WEP to WPA2 just maybe Windows 10 latest version may need more security encryption. However it does not help either.

Next i disable all the softwares that auto start with Windows. That has not disconnect the wifi either. While all possible computer related fix has been tried,  i start looking at hardware interference. So i remove all electronic items and components further away from the laptop. Started with the power bank, mobile phone, headphone, earphone, lamp, cooling fan till the laptop power adapter.

Than i realise when the power cord has plugged in for charging, the wifi will get disconnected as long as there is no software requesting for online service. For ezample, during when my son is playing online game (constantly request data from game server), the wifi did not disconnect. Only when he stop playing than the wifi will get disconencted.

More test have also confirmed that the wifi will be disconnected no matter which hotspot the laptop is connected to, the router or mobile handphone.

Now we know the actual cause. So i ask my son to try to use USB tethering connection from the mobile phone to see if has the same problem. But the next day my son has informed me that he has solved the problem by using the Network reset in Network status. Right click on Network Internet access in taskbar, click Open Network & Internet settings.

This network reset has solved the problem in my son laptop wifi get disconnected when power cord is plugged in.

From this experience there are 2 things that have been learn in Windows 10 which is itself and the network can be reset. Similar to re-installation for Windows 7 and remove and re-install the network driver.

Windows 10 – Right-Click Context Menu option is missing and Freeze/Hang

Recently, my Windows 10 has started freezing whenever open a file explorer and right-click on a PDF or image file. The context menu appears,...